
Proof You Can Establish Yourself as the Media’s Go-To Expert

By November 21, 2023November 28th, 2023Blog Article, Earned Media, Media Coverage
two people sitting at desk with clipboard on the table speaking into radio/podcasting equipment.

Recently I received a call from a local radio station asking for an interview with my client. It’s not the first time we’ve had media reach out to us, but it didn’t happen by accident and it didn’t happen overnight!

It’s the result of a proactive media strategy in which we identified her key messages and what she wants to be known for. Of course, by positioning her as an expert in her field, our objective is to generate new and repeat customers to her business, but her media commentary is never advertorial, and offers genuine advice and safety messaging to the local community.

Our strategy in the beginning was to craft one genuinely newsworthy media interview opportunity per quarter, and we used customer case studies to substantiate our messaging and make it genuinely relevant for the target media’s audience. We proved she was a credible and reliable source – I would never send a media release without ensuring she had time in her schedule for media interviews should they arise.

These regular media releases and interview opportunities kept her name top of mind as an industry spokesperson for the media, which meant that when topical stories arise, she’s the first person they think of.

Which is what happened this week when new survey data was shared nationally in the media.

Local media outlets want to make this news relevant to their communities by bringing in a local expert for commentary. They have very little time to go searching for a source, so they reach out to who they know is reliable and willing to make themselves available for an interview.

Even if your competitor is an active media spokesperson, you too can start proactively putting yourself forward to media as a credible spokesperson in your field. Your unique perspective and opinion matters, and the media want to hear from you.

Be strategic, proactive, and a little patient, and you will find that once you can build that momentum, the media will start calling you.

Creative Concepts PR

0415 908 896
[email protected]
Townsville, Queensland